The list of books given here is far from exhaustive. The selection has been made from those likely to be most useful to the reader or which are authoritative in their special subjects.
1. Books on General Principles
Howard, A. and Wad, Y. D.: The Waste Products of Agriculture: their Utilization as Humus. 0.U.P., 1931, 167 pp.
Howard, Sir Albert: An Agricultural Testament. 0.U.P., 1941, 253 pp.
Howard, Sir Albert: The Soil And Health. The Devin-Adair Company, 1947, 307 pp.
Balfour, Lady Eve: The Living Soil. Faber & Faber, 1944, 248 pp.
Note. A list of the scientific papers published during their official career in India by Albert and Gabrielle Howard will be found in their book: The Application of Science to Crop Production. 0. U. P., 1929, pp. 62-7. This book describes the principles on which the Indore Institute of Plant Industry was founded.
2. Descriptive Books or Books Dealing with Practice
Sykes, Friend: Humus and the Farmer. Faber & Faber, 1946, 288 pp.
Rodale, J. I.: Pay Dirt. Devin-Adair Co., N.Y., 1945, 242 p
Drummond, John: Inheritance of Dreams. Faber & Faber: 1945, 219 pp.
King, F. C.: The Compost Gardener. Titus Wilson, Kendal, 1943.
Drummond, John: Charter for the Soil. Faber & Faber, 1944, 90 pp.
King, F. C.: Gardening with Compost. Faber & Faber, 1944, 116 pp.
Bromfield, Louis: Pleasant Valley. Cassell, 1946, 302 pp.
3. Books on Erosion
Sears, Paul B.: Deserts on the March. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1935, 231 pp.
Soils. and Men. U. S. A. Dept. of Agric. Yearbook for 1938, 1,232 pp.
Jacks, G. V. and Whyte, R. 0.: The Rape of the Earth: a World Survey of Soil Erosion. Faber & Faber, 1939, 313 pp.
Lilienthal, D. E.: T. V. A. (Tennessee Valley Authority). A Penguin Special, 1944, 208 pp.
Lowdermilk, W. C.: Palestine: Land of Promise. Gollancz, 1944, 167 pp.
Bennett, H. H.: Soil Erosion. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1946.
4. Books on Grassland Management
Elliot, R. H.: The Clifton Park System of Farming. Fifth edition. Faber & Faber, 1943, 261 pp. (First published under another title in 1898.)
Stapledon, Sir R. George: The Hill Lands of Britain: Development or Decay. Faber & Faber, 1937, 138 pp.
Stapledon, Sir R. George: The Plough-Up Policy and Ley Farming. Faber & Faber; and other works by the same author.
Graham, Michael: Soil and Sense. Faber & Faber, 1941, 274 pp.
5. Books on Humus, the Earthworm and the Mycorrhizal Association
Darwin, Charles: Darwin on Humus and the Earthworm. (A reprint of Darwin's original work.) With a Preface by Sir Albert Howard. Faber & Faber, 1945, 153 pp.
Waksman, Selman A.: Humus, Origin, Chemical Composition and Importance in Nature. Baillière, Tindal and Cox, 1936, 494 pp.
Rayner, M. C.: Mycorrhiza. C. U. P., 1927, 246 pp.
Rayner, M. C. and W. Neilson-Jones: Problems in Tree Nutrition. Faber & Faber, 1944, 181 pp.
Rayner, M. C.: Trees and Toadstools. Faber & Faber, 71 pp. (A popular account.)
6. Books on Chinese Agriculture
King, F. H.: Farmers of Forty Centuries. Jonathan Cape (first edition in England), 1926, 279 pp.
7. Books on Medical and Dental Aspects and Disease
Mcdonagh, J. E. R.: The Universe Through Medicine. Heinemann, 1940, 389 pp.
Picton, Lionel J.: Thoughts on Feeding, Faber & Faber, 1946, 265 pp.
Picton, Lionel J.: Sun, Soil And Medicine, The Devin-Adair Company, 1948
Price, Weston A.: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (on dental problems). Published by the author at 1,020 Campus Avenue, Redlands, California, 1939, 527 pp.
Large, E. C.: The Advance of the Fungi (on the history of plant disease). Jonathan Cape, 1940, 488 pp.
8. Periodicals
The most important periodical being published at the moment on the problems discussed in this book is:
Soil and Health, edited by Sir Albert Howard. Four times yearly: subscription 5s. or $1.25 a year, to be sent to Miss Kirkham, The Rise, Milnthorpe, Westmorland. This carries on The Compost News Letter, edited by Dr. Lionel J. Picton, O. B. E., first issued in October 1941, under the authority of the Local Medical and Panel Committees of the County Palatine of Cheshire. In these two periodicals will be found a mass of information on every aspect of soil fertility drawn from current experience of those practicing the principles of organic farming.
Other periodicals are:
The Farmer: The Journal of Natural Farming and Living, edited by Mr. F. Newman Turner. Four times yearly; subscriptions 6s. 6d. a year, to be sent to The Farmer, Goose Green Farm, Sutton Mallet, Bridgwater, Somerset. This is a journal especially for practical farmers, first appearing in the summer of 1946.
The Cross and the Plough: the organ of the Catholic Land Movement of England and Wales. Four times a year; subscription ls. a year, to be sent to Weeford Cottage, Hill, Sutton Coldfield.
Organic Gardening, edited by Mr. J. I. Rodale. Twelve times yearly; subscription $3.00 a year, to be sent to The Rodale Press, 6th and Minor Sts., Emmaus, Pa., U. S. A.
The Compost Magazine, of the Humic Compost Club, New Zealand. Six times yearly, subscription 6d. per number, or 5s. membership of the Club per annum, to Box 1303, Auckland, N. Z.
Veldt Trust News. Organ of the National Veldt Trust of the Union of South Africa. Subscription for membership of the Trust, Cl 1s. per year, to the National Veldt Trust, Box 31, Bloemfontein. This journal specializes on problems of erosion.
The Organic Farming Digest. Organ of the Organic Farming and Gardening Society, 50 Mitchell Street, North Bondi, New South Wales. Four times yearly; membership subscription, 5s. a year.
Mother Earth. Organ of the Soil Association, 8K Hyde Park Mansions, London, N. W. 1. Available to members of the Association only.
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