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Biocombustibles, biodiesel
Diesel motorbikes
Royal Enfield Motors of India still makes these classic British bikes, and exports them to more than 20 countries, including Japan, the USA, Canada, France, Germany -- and Britain.
For a long time they also made diesel versions. Unfortunately the diesel models are now out of production, but diesel Enfields are still available from other sources.
"Royal Enfield -- Made like a gun, goes like a bullet" -- Berlin Enfield dealer Pig7 exports the Enfield Diesel 325 and Diesel 435: 1,000 km on a tankful.
Above left: Royal Enfield Taurus diesel. Above right: Indian-made Royal Enfield Bullet fitted with a German made 350cc direct injection HATZ Diesel engine.
Royal Enfield Restorations -- Beautifully restored 1960s petrol and diesel Royal Enfields from F2 Motorcycles Ltd in the UK, diesel models fitted with a new Greaves 325cc diesel engine:
New Royal Enfields retail at £3995 from Charnwood Classic Restorations in the UK. Email Sales@charnwoodclassic.com
See: http://www.Dieselmotorcycles.co.uk/
Lots of diesel bikes at this site! And lots more here:
Riding on Salad Oil (Vegetable Oil / Biodiesel / Diesel / old motoroil / whatever ...) A motorcycle enthusiast's guide to low speed, miniscule acceleration and about zero power, but fun fun fun :) Ingredients: one stripped Royal-Enfield Bullet 500 motorcycle, add one 406cc, single cylinder, direct injection Yanmar L100 diesel engine (or chinese clone -> Kama KM186, Changfa, etc).
The "Dieselfighter" is a "Volksaki GPZ 1600 TD Mk I", with a Kawasaki 1000 RX frame and 1570cc diesel from a 1985 Volkswagen Golf II TD. website in German, lots of photos on the secomnd page:
Still under development, the Dutch Star Twin ThunderStar 1200 TDI diesel motorcycle has a three-cylinder turbo charged, direct injection diesel engine from the VW Lupo -- "a user friendly, powerful and unique motorcycle. A motorcycle with an engine for a diversity of possibilities: races, city traffic, long distances and off-road riding."
English translation of an article on the ThunderStar in "de Ingenieur" magazine (448kb Acrobat file):
Unveiled in May 2001, the M1030M1 is claimed to be the world's first diesel-powered motorcycle designed specifically for military use. It is derived from a stock Kawasaki KLR650, and has been developed jointly by Californian firm Hayes Diversified Technologies and Britain's Royal Military College of Science. It is intended for the British and US military and for NATO. The 580cc diesel engine boasts a 50% improvement in fuel consumption over petrol-engined equivalents, lower emissions, and better cross-country utility. It gets 120 miles per gallon, the engine develops 33ft/lb of torque and the bike has a top speed of 85 mph.
Description, more pictures (Acrobat file, 164Kb):
Specifications (Acrobat file, 26Kb):
The M1030M1 diesel-powered motorcycle put through its paces at a recent demonstration in Chertsey organised by the UK Defence Procurement Agency -- view the video (RealPlayer):
F1 Engineering: "M1030M1 Diesel Combat Motorcycle -- This is no wimpy bike with a converted diesel generator for an engine. This is a high performance enduro bike that will run over 100 mph, revs over 7000 rpm and will climb the proverbial 'brick wall'."
The eCycle Hybrid Motorcycle is a 125cc diesel-electric hybrid with a top speed of 80mph, accelerating from 0-60 mph in 6 sec and with fuel consumption at 160 mpg. But, nearly four years after being announced, it still isn't on sale.
See "Green machines could do 170mph" -- Motor Cycle News, 12 May 2001

Harold Benich's Soybean Harley -- Harold Benich's custom-built Harley-Davidson Fat Boy diesel runs on soybean biodiesel. Full story:
Email address: smoker@erie.net
En español -- Biocombustibles, biodiesel
Biofuels Library
Biofuels supplies and suppliers
Make your own biodiesel
Mike Pelly's recipe
Two-stage biodiesel process
FOOLPROOF biodiesel process
Biodiesel processors
Biodiesel in Hong Kong
Nitrogen Oxide emissions
Biodiesel resources on the Web
Do diesels have a future?
Vegetable oil yields and characteristics
Biodiesel and your vehicle
Food or fuel?
Straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel
Ethanol resources on the Web
Is ethanol energy-efficient?